DIRECTV Onward Movie Online

4.1/ 5stars





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Teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley embark on a magical quest to spend one more day with their late father. Like any good adventure, their journey is filled with cryptic maps, impossible obstacles and unimaginable discoveries. But when dear Mom finds out her sons are missing, she teams up with the legendary manticore to bring her beloved boys back home

creators Keith Bunin, Dan Scanlon

Dan Scanlon

rating 8 of 10 star

Animation, Comedy




The peters trying to bring tony back like... I was at Copperhead, and I swore I someone heard call out Drewski. I guess I wasn"t crazy,since I just found out you airball.


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Onward movie online store. I Wonder Whats the Runtime For the movie? ??. With the rendering and designs of each Addams character, Gorillaz would fit right in.